Thursday, April 11, 2013

Masters Of Disaster

               Masters Of Disaster                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

By:Garry Paulsen

           Have You Ever Broken A  Record Before???    
Well If You Have You Might Wanna Help These Guys Break One.
           One day a group of kids named Henry Reed and Riley were tired of doing the same old stuff. So one day Henry grouped up with his friends and asked them if they wanted to break a record and they said sure so they looked up on the record breaking book and Henry found a record and said we should do this one and it showed someone doing the most Summer-salts in the world. Will THEY BREAK THE RECORD?? Put YES OR No If You Think They Will Be Able To Break It In The Comments Below I Almost Forgot HURRY TO YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY TO CHECK IT OUT BEFORE YOUR FRIEND GETS IT FIRST!!
Lexile=1,100   Posted By: Kaine45




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No!!!!

    posted by alpha bowser

  3. Good job. From your best friend!!

    Posted By: BananaSplit05

  4. Yes!!!

    Posted By: BananaSplit05

  5. Yes!!I think they are going to break the recored.

    Posted by: Gnome Gnome

  6. I know they will

    Posted by:brautz
