Friday, April 1, 2011

The boys book how to be the best at everything!

The Boys Book How to Be Best At Everything Written by: Dominique Enright and Guy Mac Donald Illustrated by: Nikalas Catlow Edited by: Samantha Barnes and Phillipa This is a guide for boys that want to know everything. Boys are good but now they can be greatJJ!!!!! There are many ways to be funny in this book. There’s also many ways to be great in this book as well! Here are some ways to be great! · How to fight off a crocodile! · How to rip a phonebook in half! · How to escape quicksand! · How to speak in code! · How to read your friends ‘mind! · How to make a water clock! · How to make a boomerang!!! Plus tons more! So come on and check it outJ Gable K. Dylan M