Monday, March 28, 2011


I would like to recommend this book to people who like suspense, adventures, and action books. This is a great book which starts out in a ship in space called LarkLight. After a few years in LarkLight, Arthur and Myrtle wake up to a foggy forecast, after Arthur tries to cut through the fog, he realizes that it is not fog but spider webs. So they run to their dad’s room and, tell their dad about the spider webs. Soon they hear noises, so their dad tells Arthur and Myrtle to go to the escape pod. They run to the pod only to find spiders that they fend off and quickly get to the pod. They leave LarkLight with little food and water supplies and soon they are trapped in the pod in the middle of space. What happens to them and will they save their dad? Read the story to find out more! There's also a fun website to go to! Just go to the link down below.

By: Carter & Riley


  1. Carter and Riley,

    Great details about the book! :O) I wonder what DOES happen next! Great suspenseful summary!

  2. This book looks like a awesome book for me. I love the way you put the danger sound in it!

    Gable k.

  3. Love the post and website !

  4. I love the website guys. Nick

  5. It sounds realy cool. I will check it out.

    Dylan :)
